السبت, مارس/الثالث 26, 2022

For those not on our group chat, We have a new version of the Android app - This includes many cosmetic changes and new features and so we've leapt forward to 2.0. These are features that have been requested by you guys since the 1.7.1 release! A few didn't make the cut but there's always v2.1 to look forward to :)

Split Tunneling - This has now been added to allow you to control which apps are excluded from the vpn allowing greater control over your day to day usage!
IPV6 Protection - Although this is typically done at the network level we've added the option within the settings
Cosmetic changes - I know. The settings page was ugly, This is hopefully more aesthetically pleasing and incorporates the new features within it
User DNS control - This allows you to set your own dns records to use your preferred provider rather than the default ones given - We'll also be following up on this with more options from ourselves at a later date!
Multiple language support - For now, We used data on how the website is viewed and used the top four languages. English, French, German, Spanish although if users want to submit translations we could look at adding them over time in each release!

In terms of an android beta - We will follow the same pattern of closed testing within a small group of users on the discord chat and speaking to myself (Chris) to verify you have an account with us! You're then given access to the app in a private chat where there's a more relaxed conversation! This will typically last a few days unless an issue is found! We're now going to add a stage of PlayStore and Amazon Appstore beta periods where anyone can install the beta as our user base is just too large to handle a full rollout should an issue occur!

We'll then, once satisfied we won't be mobbed and told off - Do a full release in thee coming weeks! Should you wish to take part in the beta in it's early stage come join us for a natter! It's a very friendly bunch of people!

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