Новости Последнее от TekLan VPN
Has been rolled out in the Playstore after approval - Only Amazon Appstore review remains! As soon as it is approved we shall let people now via email!
An email is on the way, All great news! Couple of little caveats but nothing major! We'll finish installing the servers today and then begin any work that needs doing at our end! All apps are now published - Android - In review at Playstore or available from the setup page of our siteFireOS - In review at Appstore or available from the setup page ... Читать далее
Please see email for further details -
Android is being released shortly and will be added to playstore/amazon appstore
iOS in review at the Appstore
All details are available within the email sent to people with an active service!
We're currently sending out an email to active clients to give them temporary access until the issue is resolved! If you need it, Feel free to pop a ticket in and we'll get you sorted out!