XMAS Support times!

As the festivities approach, I thought I'd post to let people know the plan for support times! This stands for all our services as the support staff overlap! So, the only two changes to December are: 25th & 26th of December where there's only myself working, I shall be popping in during multiple points in the day but setting extra health ... Llegir més

Desembre 17, 2021
Paypal temporarily hidden!

Due to reports of issues, We've temporarily hidden PayPal as a new order method on TekLan VPN! It's still available for existing customers and we'll investigate as to why people are having issues! It'll come back asap - But if you'd like an invoice via paypal then feel free to give us a shout and we can make it happen :) We've not seen a drop ... Llegir més

Desembre 14, 2021

Good morning folks, I hope everyone has been keeping well! We've been hard at work getting ready for some new features and improvements to our service! Between 2nd December and 31st of January we're running a little competition - We're giving away an Nvidia Shield Pro and a 3 year subscription to TekLan VPN as well as a few other goodies! The only ... Llegir més

Desembre 2, 2021
TekLan VPN - FireFox proxy Extension

The Fire fox extension is available to install @ This link 

You can login with your usual details to access! 

novembre 22, 2021